Our goal is to provide boys and girls, ages 4 – 13, with a healthy, active, happy summer with lots of entertaining activities and positive interaction with others. It is not a gymnastics class, but it does introduce gymnastics in fun-filled activities. Our rotations do include having the children broken into groups by age.
Dates: Monday, June 2 - Friday, August 1, 2025 (will be closed Friday July 4)
Time: 7:30 AM – 5:30 PM (Camp activities start at 8:30 AM and end at 4:00 PM)
Phone: (337) 365-3806 Email: Website:
Gym Address: 1204 Import Drive, New Iberia 70560
We will limit number of campers to 70 per day. Must pre-register and pre-pay for the week (days) before attending camp. Once we reach our limit of 70, acceptance will be based on availability. You can pick and choose the days and weeks you want if it is available, and you will need to pre-pay in order to reserve your child’s days/weeks. If paying for multi days in a week, the days chosen can be any days in that week, they don’t have to be consecutive. There are NO Roll-Overs, so if you don’t use your days you lose them. If not sure how many days are needed, then it’s better to pay for the minimum and add more days if spots are available. The same applies for multi weeks, where the weeks attended can be any weeks out of the summer camp, they don’t have to be consecutive. All fees are payable in advance, no exceptions. There are NO refunds, NO credit for days missed, and NO roll -over of days to other weeks nor to other campers. Camp fees are as below:
Registration Fee: $50/child or $75/family (Non-refundable)
1 day/Week: $30/ child/ day (No multi-child discounts)
1)Half Day/Week: $25/ child/ ½ day (7:30 – 12:30 or 12:30 – 5:30; No multi-child discounts)
2 days/Week: $55/ child (No multi-child discounts)
2)Half Days/Week: $40/ child/ ½ day (7:30 – 12:30 or 12:30 – 5:30; No multi-child discounts)
3 days/Week Rate: $80 for 1st child; $75 for 2nd child; $70 for 3rd child
3 days/Week for 4 Weeks: $315 for 1st child; $295 for 2nd child; $275 for 3rd child
3 days/Week for 5 Weeks: $390 for 1st child; $365 for 2nd child; $340 for 3rd child
3 days/Week for 6 Weeks: $465 for 1st child; $435 for 2nd child; $405 for 3rd child
3 days/Week for 7 Weeks: $540 for 1st child; $505 for 2nd child; $470 for 3rd child
3 days/Week for 8 Weeks: $615 for 1st child; $575 for 2nd child; $535 for 3rd child
3 days/Week for 9Weeks: $690 for 1st child; $645 for 2nd child; $600 for 3rd child
3) Half Days/Week: $60 for 1st child; $55 for 2nd child; $50 for 3rd child
4 days/Week Rate: $90 for 1st child; $85 for 2nd child; $80 for 3rd child
4 days/Week for 4 Weeks: $355 for 1st child; $335 for 2nd child; $315 for 3rd child
4 days/Week for 5 Weeks: $440 for 1st child; $415 for 2nd child; $390 for 3rd child
4 days/Week for 6 Weeks: $525 for 1st child; $495 for 2nd child; $465 for 3rd child
4 days/Week for 7 Weeks: $610 for 1st child; $575 for 2nd child; $540 for 3rd child
4 days/Week for 8 Weeks: $690 for 1st child; $650 for 2nd child; $610 for 3rd child
4) Half Days/Week: $70 for 1st child; $65 for 2nd child; $60 for 3rd child
5 days/Week Rate: $100 for 1st child; $95 for 2nd child; $90 for 3rd child
5 days/Week for 4 Weeks: $395 for 1st child; $375 for 2nd child; $355 for 3rd child
5 days/Week for 5 Weeks: $490 for 1st child; $465 for 2nd child; $440 for 3rd child
5 days/Week for 6 Weeks: $580 for 1st child; $550 for 2nd child; $520 for 3rd child
5 days/Week for 7 Weeks: $670 for 1st child; $635 for 2nd child; $600 for 3rd child
5 days/Week for 8 Weeks: $755 for 1st child; $715 for 2nd child; $675 for 3rd child
5) Half Days/Week: $80 for 1st child; $75 for 2nd child; $70 for 3rd child
*Whole Summer 8 weeks/5 days and 1 week/4 days: $830 for 1st child; $785 for 2nd child; $740 for 3rd child
Campers can either bring their own lunch or they may purchase lunch from the gym through a “snack account”. A “snack account” can be set up for your child to purchase snacks or lunch each day. The snack account helps monitor how much your child spends and/or eats and allows a parent to set a daily limit on how much your child is allowed to spend. A list of snacks, lunches, drinks, and prices are attached for your review. If you send money with your child for snacks instead of setting up a “snack account”, we will not be responsible for lost or spent money. We do have microwaves to heat food, so they don’t have to just eat sandwiches. If they bring their own meals, they must supply their own utensils and microwaveable plate/bowl. Please put child’s name on lunch bags, utensils, and bowls/plates. We no longer have a coke machine in the lobby.
Valuable items should not be brought to camp. New Heights Gym WILL NOT be responsible for lost, broken, or stolen items. Be sure to label all items. Campers can bring their “toys” to play with during free time, but New Heights Gym will not be responsible for them if they are lost or broken. Toys are not allowed to be played with during the scheduled activity time…only during free time!! The WIFI code will not be given out to campers, so warn them if they plan on using electronics that need WIFI.
We strive to make our Summer Camp a fun and safe environment for every child to enjoy. Discipline problems, fighting, foul language, destructing equipment, and bullying will not be tolerated. Our counselors are instructed to correct the misbehaving camper with a warning for the first offense and time-out or removal of privileges for second offense. Many times we deny “Free Pit” for misbehaving campers. If the behavior problem continues, the Camp Supervisor will notify the parents and will ask to have the student picked up from camp. The camper may return to camp the next day, but if problem persists, he/she will not be allowed to continue attending camp. If the camper is sent home or not allowed to return to camp because of disciplinary problems, there will be no refund of any fees paid.
We will continue the check-in / check-out procedures as last year since it worked well. We ask parents to check their child’s temperature BEFORE bringing them to camp. If they have a fever above 99F or show any sign of sickness please keep them home. We will do our best to keep everyone safe, but we really need the parents to do their part before the child comes to camp. Camper must be pre-registered and pre-paid before drop-off. If dropping off before 9:00 parent can use car line to drop off camper. Bridget will meet parent at car to sign in. If dropping off after 9:00, parent can enter gym to sign in. If parent needs to enter the gym, please limit to one parent with the camper. For check-out before 4:00 then parent or authorized person can enter gym to sign out the camper. After 4:00, please use the car line to pick up camper. Bridget will meet parent at the car to sign out. We must be notified ahead of time if a different person is expected to pick up the camper. Have the person checking-out the camper be prepared to present a photo ID for verification purposes.
For most of the days, the campers are encouraged to wear comfortable clothes like shorts and shirt. Flip flops are the preferred shoe type because all inside activities are barefoot. Some special activities may be outside, so then closed-toe athletic shoes may be needed for those days. Of course, on special “dress” days they are encouraged to wear costumes. Refer to weekly activity schedule for those special dress days. Please remember to label all items and clothing.
Our theme this year is “Home Sweet Home at NHG Summer Camp” giving tribute to our Home Town New Iberia, our Home State Louisiana, and our Home Country USA. See attached Special Theme Activity schedule for details. Some special Friday activities may have EXTRA FEES, which range from $5-$10, and can be paid with camp tuition the week before.
We have finally moved into the modern world of payment with the Venmo app! If you choose to use the Venmo app to pay for registration, tuition, camp, or snack account please make sure your child's name and what you are paying for is listed in the Memo space.