Given the COVID-19 crisis, I want to assure you that we will continue to monitor the situation closely. Based on information we have at this time; we will open our New Heights Gym Summer Camp starting on June 1. If the situation should change, we will notify you immediately. We will be taking extra precautions the best we can to support the health and safety of your children and our staff.
Please take note of the following changes to our policies and procedures:
Drop-Off / Check-In
To limit direct contact between parents and staff members and to adhere to social distancing recommendations, families are encouraged to use the drop-off / pick-up procedures. Parents will enter the drive-thru from the left of the gym and drop off child at the Main Entrance in front of the gym. Ms. Bridget will greet the parent at the car window to review payment, check-in procedures, and screening. An NHG staff member will greet the child(ren) at the door and will escort child(ren) inside the gym. Parents will not be allowed to enter the facility during the busy drop-off times of 7:45AM – 9:00AM. If a parent needs to enter the facility for any reason, then the allowed time slot to come in before lunch is 9:00AM – 11:00AM. Or parent can call the gym at 365-3806 to make an appointment to come in. Please limit to 1 parent, no siblings.
It is particularly important to keep children home if having any signs of illness or sickness. For check-in, parents will sign in confirming the following screening questions: 1) Has child been in contact with a confirmed case of Covid-19 in last 2 weeks? 2) Has child run fever above 100.4F in last 24 hours? 3) Has child been on fever reducing medication in the last 24 hours? 4) Has child experienced shortness of breath, sore throat, a cough, diarrhea or vomiting in last 24 hours? If yes to any above questions, then child may not be admitted to the facility. We need the parents to do their part before the child arrives to camp and take extra consideration of not sending them if they show any symptom of being sick.
As the NHG staff member escorts the child into the facility, they will be escorted to the nearest hand sanitizer station prior to entering the gym. Hands will be washed regularly throughout the day.
Pick-Up / Check-Out
When picking up child(ren), parents will enter the drive-thru from the left of the gym and pick up child at the Main Entrance in front of the gym. Ms. Bridget will greet the parent at the car window to verify name of person picking up child. An NHG staff member will bring the child(ren) out to the car. Parents will not be allowed to enter the facility during the busy pick-up times of 3:45PM – 5:30PM. If a parent needs to enter the facility for any reason, then the allowed time slot is after lunch at 1:00PM – 3:45PM. Or parent can call to make an appointment to come in. Please limit to 1 parent, no siblings. Doing so will limit direct contact and help us to maintain social distancing.
Misc Safety Precautions
Staff employees will be given special cloth masks to use at their discretion to the extent it does not interfere with the ability to do their job safely.
All employees are advised to stay home and not report to work if they exhibit any symptoms including fever, cough, sore throat, vomiting, or diarrhea.
All employees are advised to increase hygiene practices and washing/sanitizing hands more frequently.
Employees are encouraged to practice social distancing to the best extent possible.
Thank you for your understanding and patience as we implement these new procedures. Our goal is to minimize disruption, while at the same time keeping you, your family and our staff healthy and well.